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Complaint Procedures

When we receive a complaint in writing in regards to content posted here the steps we take in response may include all or any of the following

  • Post a comment on the material stating that there was an objection - who objected - and a copy of the letter which states why they object.
  • Send a message to the entire PFFD community asking for feedback on whether we should remove the material permanently.
  • Move the material to a private (login only) location with a link to the private location.
  • If it is deemed that we remove the material permanently - replace the original link with one stating that the material has been permanently removed and include the letter from the attorney or individual requesting it be removed.

If you wish to submit a complaint please provide the following information in a signed letter:

  1. Name of Company
  2. Contact information (including email address)
  3. List of issues that concern you.
  4. The identity of the pages at issue (via the URL stated)
  5. Include the following statement: "I represent that the information in this notification is true and correct and that I am authorized to act on behalf of the complaintant."
  6. Your digital signature.

Please send this written communication in PDF, RTF, or text format with the above information to

Microsoft word (.DOC) documents will be deleted without being read.