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Pregnant!! Questions concerning Pffd

HI! I recently found out I'm pregnant. This is my first baby! My husband and are so excited! Just have some questions about people experiences. Did anyone have to be on bed rest for any period of time? How did it affect your balance or issues with your shorter leg? Just a bit of info about me. I have the Van Nes turn around when I was 11 (my right leg is only effected). Then about 1 1/2 year ago I had my foot amputated. I've always wore a prosthetic. They considered my prosthetic and above the knee. I have class D PFFD. I'm worried about my job and not being able to work. Just wondered if anyone had any advice,
Thank You,

My Daughter recently had a Van Nes Rotation Plasty. She is nine and I was concerned when you said you recently had to have your foot amputated. Why is that? Her deficiency is also on her right side and we are still going through the recovery period. Any advice on your part as far as that goes? Im sorry that I cant give you any advice but I thought that maybe you could help us :)

I had my foot amputated because I was having trouble walking and I was getting sore on my foot. I felt it was holding me back from being able to do normal things. I was 11 when I had the Van Nes and then 25 when I had the amputation, it took me awhile to make the decision. I'm happy that I made the decision I wish I would have made it earlier. My gait is so much better than it was. I remember when I was recovering from the surgery it took 3 months in a body cast, plus I had my hip frozen since it was so unstable. How is your daughter doing now?


I have class D and have had two health girls. The main thing was my balance was not as good during pregnancy, but staying physically fit helps. I had unremarkable deliveries, but all the details are in a book of pregnancies about women with various disabilities. Email me if you want the book name and my assigned book name.

I worked right up to my delivery date with both pregnancies. The most important thing is to take good care of yourself. Exercise, watch the weight gain, eat right, get sleep and be open with your doctor about any concerns. You may need to consider occassionally using a wheelchair temporarily if your balance gets too bad. I used one part time with my second pregnancy at the end to keep me from being so fatigued. (I had not exercised and watched my weight like I should have with the second one.)

Yes please can I have the book name? Sorry its taken so long to respond.

I have two beautiful children, a boy and a girl. I had no problems during the pregnancy or the delivery according to my PFFD classified B/C. In my first pregnancy I quit my job (got a permission from the doctors) when I was five months pregnant "just in case". The second time I worked until 3 og 4 weeks before delivery. I work as a secretary, so I don't have any hard work.
Good luck to you:-)

I have an 8 month old and a 5 year old. A wear an above knee prosthesis. I also work a full time job and did with both babies. The first time around I stopped wearing my prosthesis around pregnancy month 5, because it wasn't fitting and my hips were absolutely killing me. I gained a lot with my first pregnancy and that may have had something to do with it. The second time around I was must smarter and did not spend too much time anticipating what was to come. I did yoga (obviously modifying many positions) and eat very carefully and well. The second time around I wore my prosthesis until the day before I delivered and put it back on 2 days after delivery. For both births I delivered vaginally. I found it much easier to take care of the baby with my prosthesis on- with my first baby for some reason I couldn't put my prosthesis on until months after birth.

Believe me, you a capable of much more than you can possibly imagine. Congrats. You'll do great.