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Overcome,Accept and Embrace

The following is a speech that I wrote a few years ago when I was still doing Motivational Speaking. This speech has been given to kids elementary through high school. I thought perhaps anyone out there that is or has chilren with self esteem issues due to PFFD this could bring a little insight, and humor to your day.

"I have blonde hair and my friend has brown hair, but it JUST
DOESN’T MATTER! I am short and all my friends are taller than I am, but it JUST DOESN’T MATTER! My friend has blues eyes, you have brown eyes, but it (kids) JUST DOESN’T MATTER!

When I walked in today, I heard some kids laughing at me. When I hear that, it made me mad, but you know what, it also made me very sad. I felt like I was being bullied or picked on, because I was different. Then, I thought to myself, IT JUST DOESN’T MATTER! I am different….I am shorter, I was born without any thighs. Just because I look a little different does not mean I am not special. Everybody is different.
Can you imagine if we all looked the same, talked the same, dressed the same, what would happen? How would we tell each other a part? If everyone brought the same book bag to school, how would you know which one was yours? Instead of picking on some one because he or she is different, think about the things you have in common. Do you like the same music? Do you like the same sports, or the same classes? You are not always going to like everyone you meet. However, everyone SHOULD be accepted for who they are. LEARN TO ACCEPT THE DIFFERENCES AND MAKE THE BEST OF THEM. When I was in school all I wanted to do was fit in. Because I looked different it sometimes it was difficult and I had to try extra hard to be accepted. I always wanted the other kids to like me; I wanted to be “cool.” Sometimes I would get picked on and that made me mad. But when I wanted to fit in, sometimes I would pick on other kids too. I only did it so I could be friends with the people that were doing the bullying…I thought it would make me cool. Then I learned that it is important to do things that make YOU feel good, what other people think is not what is most important. I remember my first dance. My friends and I were all so nervous. Everyone was worried if that one special person would ask us to dance. I remember sitting in the gym with my friends when that one guy I had the BIGGEST crush on came walking toward me. I thought he was perfect, SOOO cute! He looked down at me as I looked up at him; “Sara, would you like to dance?” Now this boy was tall, a giant to me. I was so nervous, how was I going to dance with him without both of us looking silly. I was terrified my friends and his would laugh at me. I smiled and said “No thank you.” This great boy just asked ME to dance and I said NO! What was I thinking? “Hmmm, okay.” He said, looking confused and walked away. I was almost to the point of crying when I look up and there this boy was again. He had pulled over a chair for me to stand on and said, “Okay, now do you want to dance?” I swallowed my pride and said yes. At that point, neither of us cared what anyone else thought and we danced and had a great time. And you know what? It felt great, I did what I wanted, no matter what anyone else thought. You know what else? No one laughed! I always wanted to be accepted and I was. It was important to be accepted for who I was, not for who other people thought I should be. IT JUST DOESN’T MATTER what my friends think I should or should not do. IT JUST DOEN’T MATTER as long as I STAND UP for what I believe in. ACCEPT myself and others. RESPECT myself and others and ACT on what I feel is right.
You have to decide for yourself what is right or wrong. You have to learn to follow your heart, do what I did, and follow SARA’S RULES:
S is for Stand up for what you believe in, stand up for yourself and others
A is for ACCEPT, accept yourself for who you are and do the same for others
R is for Respect ALWAYS have respect for yourself and the feelings of those around you
A is for take ACTION in what you believe in, go to an adult if you feel you are in trouble see something happening that is wrong.
Pushing someone around, making fun of someone or calling them names, pressuring someone to do something they are not comfortable with, is not what makes you a strong or cool person. What makes you cool is being the person that Stands Up for what you believe in, Stands up for yourself and others, and walks away from a bad situation.
Once I realized IT JUST DOESN’T MATTER and started to follow SARA’S RULES, I realized I could do anything. Being different is not going to stop me from being a great person. I was a cheerleader, played volleyball, went to college, and got a great job. Most importantly, I learned to love myself for who I am. I accept myself and others and I realize everyone is different. I learned IT JUST DOESN’T MATTER. Words can hurt but they do not have to! I want you to know that each of you is different and special in your own way. Always remember that. IF someone try’s to tell you differently, you say